Equipping the next generation of farmers for tomorrows challenges

Our mission is to lower the barrier of entry to farming with automated greenhouse solutions that help more kinds of farms and businesses produce fresh, hyper-local food at scale, and quickly adapt to evolving market demands and environmental shifts.

How it works

For a one-time fee, Canopii will construct the greenhouse and install automation equipment for customers. ​

For an annual fee, Canopii will provide continuous software, maintenance, and crop monitoring services.

Our autonomous greenhouses are uniquely tailored to grow fresh produce as close to the consumer as possible.

  • On only 2,500 sq ft, our farm provides an annual yield of 110,000 units (30,000 lbs/yr of lettuce).

  • Our greenhouse robots automate all labor tasks from seed to storage.

  • A completely controlled environment ensures uniform and consistent production year-round.

  • Limited human interaction and an enclosed environment diminish the need for agricultural chemicals. A closed loop hydroponic system minimizes water usage.

Farm Footprint: 66ft x 37ft​

Annual Production: 32,000 lbs​

Equivalent Land Output: 3 – 4 Acres ​

Power Requirements: 100A at 240 VAC​

Water Requirements: Single Spigot

Installation Time: 3 Months

Manufactured in the US by GK Machine

Frequently Asked Questions

  • A Canopii farm is a hydroponic farm inside a 30ft tall greenhouse that uses verticality to streamline automation and optimize land use efficiency.

  • Canopii has developed its automation equipment from the ground up, prioritizing cost-efficiency and incorporating technology only when necessary. This approach allows us to offer a fully automated farm at a price point that is more competitive than anything else on the market.

    We have not reinvented the greenhouse and are mimicking growing practice that have been optimized in the Netherlands.

  • Hydroponics is a plant cultivation method that does not use soil. Instead, roots are placed in a liquid nutrient solution. ​

    ​This method uses much less water and keeps automation equipment clean. ​

  • Canopii has fully automated all labor tasks within our greenhouse, including seeding, watering, transplanting, crop monitoring, harvesting, and sorting. This extensive automation reduces the need for manual intervention, limiting greenhouse entry to just once every two weeks.

    To maintain this level of autonomy, we prioritize cleanliness. Our system sanitizes the most heavily used components after each harvest, ensuring a hygienic and efficient farming environment.

  • Certain tasks, such as refilling nutrients, media, and seeds, along with filter cleaning and pest control, have not yet been automated.

    For these essential services, Canopii offers a comprehensive maintenance package. For an annual fee, we will handle refilling consumables, managing pests, and performing deep cleaning, ensuring smooth and efficient operation of your farm year-round.

  • Our farms are standardized so they can be mass produced like cars.

    However, the post-harvest section of the farm offers flexibility, allowing for customization of refrigeration storage capacity to meet specific needs.

  • Our farm is currently capable of growing a wide variety of leafy greens and culinary herbs, including butter lettuce, romaine, salad mixes, basil, bok choy, cilantro, and many others.

  • We are actively developing post-harvest automation technology to enable live plant harvesting, allowing plants to be harvested with their roots intact and then palletized for easy transport.

    This advancement will expand our farm's capabilities, enabling production of high-quality plant and tree starts for the nursery industry.

  • Yes, we are currently working to obtain organic certification.

  • Canopii is a part of the environmental technologies cohort of the National Science Foundation.

    Our farm minimizes water consumption, pesticides and herbicides, single use plastics, energy usage, and transportation miles.

  • Yes, our farm is equipped with a user-friendly interface that allows customers to fully control their growing environment. This includes deciding what to grow, how much to grow, and scheduling harvest times.

    Additionally, Canopii offers a comprehensive maintenance package, so customers can manage their farm remotely without ever needing to enter the greenhouse if prefered.

  • Due to our farm's small footprint, ease of use, controlled environment, and code-compliant greenhouse structure, it is well-suited for a diverse range of businesses.

    In addition to small, mid-sized, and large-scale farms, our system seamlessly integrates into businesses that wish to produce leafy greens and herbs year-round. Potential customers include restaurants, supermarkets, enterprise campuses, schools, and many more.

    Thanks to its relatively small scale, our farms can be incrementally expanded to meet market demands while lowing risk.

  • We have recently completed our prototype farm, and we project the total cost for the farm to be approximately $1,000,000.

    This investment will provide customers with a fully installed, turn-key farm that is ready for immediate production.

  • We have already identified pilot customers for our 2025 farms.

    If you are located in Oregon or Washington and are interested in securing a farm for 2026, please reach out to us. We'd love to discuss potential opportunities.

  • Yes, we are currently giving tours of our prototype farm.